Tuesday, May 1, 2007

What we see on our way.

We are about finishing our project. It has been seven interesting weeks with a lot of input. There are areas we really know a lot by now and others we don’t know anything about. The next steps in developing the lunch kit go in two directions, one is the detail work and the other is the bigger perspective and how the logistic around the lunch kit should be.

A visit to Whistler made me think. I can see that our product could fit in but I can also see that at Roundhouse Lodge a lot of things are already done and are working very well. Here are the plates of porcelain, they have a nice waste bin system and the encourage people to recycle their plastic mugs. As a restaurant I think this place worked really fine, where our lunch kit would fit in, is if people are allowed to eat on their way to the venues e.g. in the gondolas.

I had a talk with Dave, my ski instructor, and asked if he was pro or against the Olympics. He was definitely pro, but also had a big concern about the security plan, and he thought that as soon as the security plan was in place a lot of things could be planed in details.

So first and foremost co-operation with the Olympics is one of the next steps. As part of the co-operation there need to be insight in the security plan. I think that if the product is adaptable to different kinds of security levels, there is a good change that it can end up been a real product.

As I see it, the bigger perspective of our task is to feed a lot of people in a short time in an efficient way and with as little waste as possible. Depending on where the Olympics wants to have the focus the lunch kit can be a good solution, and in other situations, a lunch kit is not what they are looking for. Except if it is possible to make a lunch kit that will fit in to the security plan, the sponsors’ wishes and the vendor’s ability and interest in the project. With that in mind, we know that our product is not finished yet. There is still a lot of thing to take in consideration before it reaches its goal.

Our last meeting with our client will also include a talk about how he wants to bring the project forward – I’m looking forward to hear about his plan….

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