Tuesday, March 13, 2007

One wise man once sang;

It's The Circle of Life

And it moves us all

Through despair and hope

Through faith and love

Till we find our place

On the path unwinding

In the Circle

The Circle of Life

Working with sustainability you realize that there is more to this song, than a lion, a meerkat and warthog.
I asked my beloved fellow group member to describe this more precisely:

“ We have discovered the new way of product and package design, called cradle-to-cradle design (instead of traditional cradle-to-grave design). Cradle to cradle is about remaking the way we make things and it means literally designing waste right out of the lifecycle of the package. Mimicking nature, a package is designed to be either a technical nutrient that can be reused, or truly recycled in a tight, closed-loop process with zero loss in material performance, or a biological nutrient that can safely break down into the soil. One idea is that we create reusable food ware out of Corn, potato or soy bean plastic which is biodegradable. Biggest hurdles for cradle-to-cradle packaging to overcome is the on-the-go lifestyle and the fact that we humans never seem to have enough time. So what is a replacement for time? Convenience. You gain time by buying disposable products because you don’t have to clean them, but if we succeed of creating an sexy, fun and easy "lunch kit" that also is convenient, would people use it then?“

That is a good question, but only time will answer that question.
In addition to cradle to cradle, Susanna from Mango communication has been an outside consultant providing us with a different view and tips.
Helene and Anne met her Friday, before the greatest KP party in Vancouver ever; here is their description of that;

“Friday afternoon, we had a meeting with Susanna. She has previously done a lot of researching in her work.

She gave us some very good contacts to check up upon and came to think of some people and companies she would recommend us to take contact to.
It became obvious how much talking to different people from all over can help us to think of new contact possibilities and get new ideas and its amazing how willing many are to help.
She advised us to find out who we easily could "sell" our idea to and focus on them in order to find out what our focus point shall be with the project.

It was a very giving meeting - talking to Susanna gave us some new ways to turn to and try out..”

The whole day has been a big idea day for us. We have turned our heads up and down, worked around corners of our minds and playing with the word reusable food ware, both drawing and describing the weirdest thoughts with each other. One can argue if at this given time of the process, this is the right step to take, but evaluating the day, we found out that it was not necessary the concrete outcome of the day which was of most importance, rather starting the creativity within ourselves. It has been a long time ago since any one of us had worked with idea development, so it was nice to test our own shapes, and start practising again. Have you ever seen Rocky be in the best shape he can be when the film starts?

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