Monday, March 19, 2007

Walking and talking

Today we started the morning walking the streets asking as many as possible about reusable food ware.
This to get new ideas and knowledge on what people in general think of reusable coffee cups and food ware. And to find out what they want, what it would take for them to use it and what reasons they had for not using it.

We got many interesting answers and ideas out of this.

Many mentioned the hygiene in paper cups as a main reason for using these, they now for sure that the cups are sterile and that no one else but them selves has used the cup before. Others said that a reusable coffeecup is to difficult to carry around. If was developed so it could be attached to their bags. Or it should close properly so that they can be sure not to spill any coffee in their bags when carrying it around.

Some wouldn't mind using reusable food ware, but they do not want to spend the time it takes to wash it themselves, they want to be sure that it is sterile and washed properly. For these it was a question on "how much work will be in it for me" when deciding upon it.

Many mentioned that it was important to create some more awareness upon this specific subject. If more people become aware on why it is important to reduce their amount of waste they might feel a bigger ownership towards it.

Now one of our many questions is how do create awareness the best way and hereby make ownership grow in as many humans as possible?

Others said that if they got something out of it such as a discount when bringing their own cop they would consider getting one.

Starbucks coffee already has a special deal for their costumers using reusable coffee cops, they offer them 20 % discount when buying coffee, this to encourage people to be aware of the environment they live in and stop their wasting.

It was mentioned that the reusable mugs you can get now are to deep to wash properly, and they don't go into the dishwasher. Again a matter of hygiene. Many would like them to be a bit smaller and hereby easier to clean with their hands.

A few people mentioned that they would like to customize their own mugs, so they know exactly which one is theirs, and for the fun of it. If that was possible somewhere they were sure more people would by them.

We also became aware that it is mostly people over the age of 40 using reusable food ware. It was stated that it might be because they have their daily routines going to the same place for coffee, lunch etc. where they might have their cup or plate standing. Younger people are always on the run and therefor they find it more difficult to remember or fit in their bags.

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