Tuesday, May 1, 2007

What we see on our way.

We are about finishing our project. It has been seven interesting weeks with a lot of input. There are areas we really know a lot by now and others we don’t know anything about. The next steps in developing the lunch kit go in two directions, one is the detail work and the other is the bigger perspective and how the logistic around the lunch kit should be.

A visit to Whistler made me think. I can see that our product could fit in but I can also see that at Roundhouse Lodge a lot of things are already done and are working very well. Here are the plates of porcelain, they have a nice waste bin system and the encourage people to recycle their plastic mugs. As a restaurant I think this place worked really fine, where our lunch kit would fit in, is if people are allowed to eat on their way to the venues e.g. in the gondolas.

I had a talk with Dave, my ski instructor, and asked if he was pro or against the Olympics. He was definitely pro, but also had a big concern about the security plan, and he thought that as soon as the security plan was in place a lot of things could be planed in details.

So first and foremost co-operation with the Olympics is one of the next steps. As part of the co-operation there need to be insight in the security plan. I think that if the product is adaptable to different kinds of security levels, there is a good change that it can end up been a real product.

As I see it, the bigger perspective of our task is to feed a lot of people in a short time in an efficient way and with as little waste as possible. Depending on where the Olympics wants to have the focus the lunch kit can be a good solution, and in other situations, a lunch kit is not what they are looking for. Except if it is possible to make a lunch kit that will fit in to the security plan, the sponsors’ wishes and the vendor’s ability and interest in the project. With that in mind, we know that our product is not finished yet. There is still a lot of thing to take in consideration before it reaches its goal.

Our last meeting with our client will also include a talk about how he wants to bring the project forward – I’m looking forward to hear about his plan….

Monday, April 16, 2007

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Mr. Magic Man

You know Rocky, the guy who boxes? Cool. Now think about Mr. Wolf in “Pulp Fiction”. The guy walks literally into problems and fixes them, now if you take the nature of his problems away; basically Mr. Wolf is the best KaosPilot I have seen in action ever.
Today we had a visit of Mr. Wolf, disguised as Peter McLeod. It was great to have a person coming into our project for a brief moment with new eyes, and another approach to how we could solve our task.
After Mr. Magic man, as we prefer to call Peter, went, the energy level in the room elevated to an insane level. Papers were filled with drawings and words, sheet came up on the level, and all the computers went nuts because of the typing. Work outcome of the day has been crazy!!

Other mentionable things today, are the heating system in our room. Since we moved in, the heating system has not been our best friend, it has frozen us out. But today the saga took an unexpected turn; the heating system became our best friend, and decided to heat the relation up some notches. So instead for the usual complains about how cold we were, today we sang Nelly’s famous song; “It’s getting hot in here”. Which kind of not only fitted the temperature in the room in Celsius but also our work production!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Moving forward

Starting this morning we had a lot of funny, useful and some not useful ideas to take further. I was very useful for us to bring in new brains with new mindset and see what they would come up with. A lot that is!
We needed to narrow it down to approximately 6-8 more concrete ideas that we wish to develop more on.
Our contact person Ruben has found a designer who is a very good artist, and she has taken the task of drawing and visualizing the different ideas we have so far.
The booklet presenting our first research phase and first ideas are to be done for Thursday latest.
Monday March 26 Ruben will use this booklet and the drawings of the ideas, when he is presenting our work to Industrial Canada for the first time. They will give their feedback and this will hopefully give us something to develop further.

Paper Are Better Than Plastic, Right?

Neither. They're roughly equal in pros and cons. While convenient addictions, they both gobble up natural resources and cause significant pollution. So those famous enviromental materials you have heard about, might not be as sustainble as you frist thought.

Reporting from the material jungle.

Searching for different material to use for our reusable food ware I have read many articles about which material that is most sustainable. That question seems to be much harder to answer then I thought. We had decided to use cradle-to-cradle design. Quoting from one if my earlier blogs.

”We have discovered the new way of product and package design, called cradle-to-cradle design (instead of traditional cradle-to-grave design). Cradle to cradle is about remaking the way we make things and it means literally designing waste right out of the lifecycle of the package. Mimicking nature, a package is designed to be either a technical nutrient that can be reused, or truly recycled in a tight, closed-loop process with zero loss in material performance, or a biological nutrient that can safely break down into the soil. One idea is that we create reusable food ware out of Corn, potato or soy bean plastic which is biodegradable.”

Know I have heard that corn plastic is not that green as we first thought, because of both the genetic modification and because of pesticides they use when growing them. Problems, problems, and how hard can it be to get a hold of some good old sustainable material? Okay, so what about Cellulose (plant fiber)? I have heard that in a recent test between bio plastics made from cellulose, corn, and starch (potatoes), that the cellulose products had fewer greenhouse gas emissions in their production, is that true? I search the web for answers and yes it is true, but the same problem still exist, it’s all genetically modified. So can we choose the right material without being hypocrites? Is their such a thing as the perfect material?

A Sudden Clever Idea

Yesterday we had our first "big" brainstorm, we had invited Ruben our contact person and his friends, all industrial designers.

We had arranged so that the room looked nice, candles, pens, colours and of course beer. Around sevenish people started to flock, and the temperature was high. I started up with telling little about our school, rules and the focus for the coming brainstorm, which was What product could of help the spectators to eat in a fun, practical and reusable way? And after that we had a warm-up, we asked all the guest to tell something we didn’t know about Ruben. All and all I can know say that I know that Ruben has a thing for cats and that he used to be a trapeze dude.

After that we had a little associations game to empty some heads. The participants could freely say what they associated with the word reusable or lunch kit. After this game we had two different brainstorms, one traditional and one negative. The participants seemed to like the negative brainstorm very much, even though it was more nasty and disgusting then negative.

We let the participants to choose their favourite idea and made a new associations game, you should write down your feeling you had during your first kiss and connect those feeling to the idea. Then we had the Idealog method, were each and everyone could write on each other’s ideas. Then we paired them up and told them to prepare a presentation and a sell speech.

It was fun to brainstorm with other people then only Kaospilots. We had ten new faces to concrete on, and it was cool to see how Kaospilot cooperated with non-kaospilots. It was also interesting to have a mix between experts (industrial designers) and “normal” people, us. Many great ideas came out of this day, and I hope that we can use a least some of them, letting Rubens friend to sketch them for our semi-deadline on Monday.


Monday, March 19, 2007


The scene was set to do brainstorms the 13/3 2007

The cleaning of the homebase is our responsibility this week, and the plan was to do the dishes as a part of warm up for the brainstorm but Helene was a true saint and did it all by her self. Well done!

The Brainstorms was to open up and not just to think about the lunch kit but that feeding the volunteers and spectators is …

A meal is just not the food, it is also handling the utilities: from storage in a cupboard, to putting the things on the table, to eat, to carry the utilities away, to wash up, to dry the things and put them all away again.
And what happens when 40.000 is going to do this at the same time?
This brainstorm gave thought both to the system around the way food is going to be served and how to dealing with waste, and at the same time we realised that the the lunch kit also developed.

Other brainstorms:
What is a spectator going to bring him or her?
What does it take for you to put your waste in the right box?
What kind of recycling do we like?
What kind of recycling do we use now and how did we start to do it?

And we had a short look at facts: how are the waste systems working in DK and Germany.

All in all the keywords of the day: stick or carrot, awareness, overview, easy, possible, fun, practical and efficiency.
Important thought was: avoiding food traffic jam, information in general: e.g. if the Germans are told to sort out their waste they will do it. Other kind of information that can be encouraging: what is the next step on the road for the waste?

Walking and talking

Today we started the morning walking the streets asking as many as possible about reusable food ware.
This to get new ideas and knowledge on what people in general think of reusable coffee cups and food ware. And to find out what they want, what it would take for them to use it and what reasons they had for not using it.

We got many interesting answers and ideas out of this.

Many mentioned the hygiene in paper cups as a main reason for using these, they now for sure that the cups are sterile and that no one else but them selves has used the cup before. Others said that a reusable coffeecup is to difficult to carry around. If was developed so it could be attached to their bags. Or it should close properly so that they can be sure not to spill any coffee in their bags when carrying it around.

Some wouldn't mind using reusable food ware, but they do not want to spend the time it takes to wash it themselves, they want to be sure that it is sterile and washed properly. For these it was a question on "how much work will be in it for me" when deciding upon it.

Many mentioned that it was important to create some more awareness upon this specific subject. If more people become aware on why it is important to reduce their amount of waste they might feel a bigger ownership towards it.

Now one of our many questions is how do create awareness the best way and hereby make ownership grow in as many humans as possible?

Others said that if they got something out of it such as a discount when bringing their own cop they would consider getting one.

Starbucks coffee already has a special deal for their costumers using reusable coffee cops, they offer them 20 % discount when buying coffee, this to encourage people to be aware of the environment they live in and stop their wasting.

It was mentioned that the reusable mugs you can get now are to deep to wash properly, and they don't go into the dishwasher. Again a matter of hygiene. Many would like them to be a bit smaller and hereby easier to clean with their hands.

A few people mentioned that they would like to customize their own mugs, so they know exactly which one is theirs, and for the fun of it. If that was possible somewhere they were sure more people would by them.

We also became aware that it is mostly people over the age of 40 using reusable food ware. It was stated that it might be because they have their daily routines going to the same place for coffee, lunch etc. where they might have their cup or plate standing. Younger people are always on the run and therefor they find it more difficult to remember or fit in their bags.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

One wise man once sang;

It's The Circle of Life

And it moves us all

Through despair and hope

Through faith and love

Till we find our place

On the path unwinding

In the Circle

The Circle of Life

Working with sustainability you realize that there is more to this song, than a lion, a meerkat and warthog.
I asked my beloved fellow group member to describe this more precisely:

“ We have discovered the new way of product and package design, called cradle-to-cradle design (instead of traditional cradle-to-grave design). Cradle to cradle is about remaking the way we make things and it means literally designing waste right out of the lifecycle of the package. Mimicking nature, a package is designed to be either a technical nutrient that can be reused, or truly recycled in a tight, closed-loop process with zero loss in material performance, or a biological nutrient that can safely break down into the soil. One idea is that we create reusable food ware out of Corn, potato or soy bean plastic which is biodegradable. Biggest hurdles for cradle-to-cradle packaging to overcome is the on-the-go lifestyle and the fact that we humans never seem to have enough time. So what is a replacement for time? Convenience. You gain time by buying disposable products because you don’t have to clean them, but if we succeed of creating an sexy, fun and easy "lunch kit" that also is convenient, would people use it then?“

That is a good question, but only time will answer that question.
In addition to cradle to cradle, Susanna from Mango communication has been an outside consultant providing us with a different view and tips.
Helene and Anne met her Friday, before the greatest KP party in Vancouver ever; here is their description of that;

“Friday afternoon, we had a meeting with Susanna. She has previously done a lot of researching in her work.

She gave us some very good contacts to check up upon and came to think of some people and companies she would recommend us to take contact to.
It became obvious how much talking to different people from all over can help us to think of new contact possibilities and get new ideas and its amazing how willing many are to help.
She advised us to find out who we easily could "sell" our idea to and focus on them in order to find out what our focus point shall be with the project.

It was a very giving meeting - talking to Susanna gave us some new ways to turn to and try out..”

The whole day has been a big idea day for us. We have turned our heads up and down, worked around corners of our minds and playing with the word reusable food ware, both drawing and describing the weirdest thoughts with each other. One can argue if at this given time of the process, this is the right step to take, but evaluating the day, we found out that it was not necessary the concrete outcome of the day which was of most importance, rather starting the creativity within ourselves. It has been a long time ago since any one of us had worked with idea development, so it was nice to test our own shapes, and start practising again. Have you ever seen Rocky be in the best shape he can be when the film starts?

Thursday, March 8, 2007

How does our project relate to environmental sustainability?

Sometimes you have to face an inconvenient truth: if you want things to change, you've got to start somewhere. E.g. you can start on Environmental sustainability, the area we are working on.

It does already exist many steps to avoid global warning. If you recycle more, you can save 1000kg of carbon dioxide per year. By avoiding products with a lot of or wrong packaging you can save 545kg of carbon dioxide, only by cutting down your garbage by 10%.

So what do we do? We work on creating reusable food ware for The Olympics 2010, but are planning to spread even further.

We are trying to develop and design an innovative way to handle food instead of using plastic wrapping that just turns to no recyclable waste, and ends up in a hole somewhere.

How can we educate and engage by feeding people?

We are trying to make non-disposable fun, sexy and easy by designing new food ware. On idea is a portable “lunch kit”, witch you bring when e.g. you go to The Olympic game, use, wash and take home.

Our dream is that our food ware will be made of such a good material that when it finally turns to waste its equal food. You are going to literally and if you want to, be able to eat it. No carbon dioxide at all.

The final product will also serve to educate and engage people, creating a pre-legacy witch will get people to invest and take personal responsibility to create a more sustainable legacy.


6 months work to be done in 6 weeks!

We had another meeting with our contact person Ruben from Sustainability group. We finished up our contract, and got a good overview over what is expected of us regarding this project.

- Research into the problem, best practises, framing the goal and vision
- Mission
- Ideation, sketches, sketch prototypes
- Validation in users
- Refinement and prototyping validation
- Recommended implementation plan - try out plan

Above you can see the different phases they want us to work with an cover during the next 6 weeks.
We also decided to meet up with Ruben twice a week, every Thursday afternoon and the another day in the beginning of the week where Ruben are to come and work with us.

When we returned to our own office we decided upon our next step, the research phase. Who did we want to contact and what questions do we want to get answered?

Today we decided that it would be good to work in another environment than usually, therefor we meet up in Ellen and Pouria's apartment and worked from there all day.
It has been very nice to be elsewhere. We decided that we should keep this in mind and make sure to change our scenery once in a while.

We divided us into different research areas and mailed and called people we thought could help us gather some answers to our questions.

* DGI- L2002 og L2006, Danish Gymnastic and sport.
* FIFA World Cup 2006
* AOS - Amaury Sport Organization, Tour De France
* Uffe Elbæk - World Out games 2009, Denmark
* DSB - Danish railway company
* SuperBowl
* Air Canada
* West Jet
* Harmony Airways
* Canadian North
* Rail Canada
* Togservice - Railway company Norway
* Roskilde Festival - Danish music event
* Hultsfred festival- Swedish music event
* Qvart Festival - Norwegian music event
* South by southwest - Music event Texas
* Iceland airwaves - Music event Iceland
* Coachella - Music event California
* Vancouver international marathon
* Vancouver international jazz festival
* Åre Ski WC
* Torino Olympic 2006
* Bejing Olympic 2008
* Aramark
* Canada Games
* NRC-Recycle
* Vancouver Folk Festival
* Oregon University
* Institute for Sustainable Dev.
* University of South Carolina
* University of California
* Oslo Olympics 2018
* Norges Idretts Forbund

Some has been very quick to answers, some where in Europe so they might answer tomorrow or Monday.


Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Before you can run, you have to start walking.

Hello beloved readers, the project which was born some weeks ago, has the last two days started to prepare it self for the next two months.

Have you ever seen a Rocky movie, where Rocky does not do a lot of practice before he enters the ring? I do not think so. Personally I love the training sequence of Rocky IV, where he trains in the mountain. The KaosPilot is luckily enough not that physical, actually its very little physical, but still working as a KaosPilot; you have to train before you can enter the ring of a project. This process is called the preject phase.
The are many reasons why every project should have a preject, but one of the main reasons is to make a group of people have the same understanding of the purpose of their project, and agree up on the frames they are working from. Basically one can say that the members of the group can have the same project map to navigate in.
The result is that the group is more sustainable in understanding each other, and work as a team.

To do a preject you need;

Participants, amount depends on how many people are involved in the project.
A big bowl of honesty.
Pens, 3 water proof, 3 white board markers. Different colours.
Post-it notes. 50-200.
A roll of white/brown paper, 20 meters.

You start first to mix the group. Secondly the group agrees to meet up at a certain day, during a set time frame, and work on what they find essantial for them to succeed in the best possible way for their project. The areas covered during the preject are usually;

• Common understanding of the task.

• Who are the different persons in the group, what their competences are, what they have to work more on as individuals, fears and dreams as individuals considering the project.

• The group values, how to nourish these values. What work condition is required for this group to function in the best way possible?

• A facilitator is the host of the day, that person is responsible for the agenda and the tools used to make the process a great experience. During our third semester at the KaosPilots, we are trained to conduct facilitations.

• Time and patience is essential, so that every member of the group has the opportunity to talk and speak out what is on their mind and heart.

The last two days has been our preject face, and it has been two very giving days.
We have covered what we felt were important, and we are ready to rumble, and like Rocky I believe we will display an outstanding performance, and also the endurance he has shown by being on the top of the game the last 30 years.

Ideo is a worldwide company who are very creative and they work with creating new ideas and products. There is a book; “The art of innovation”, which describes their methods and work faces. We have tried to implement their thoughts in our work progress and methods; hopefully we will be able to learn a lot from their way of working. By using their faces we have created some gates, containing goals, which we have to reach at given times during the project, and our time line looks absolutely doable. It must also be mentioned that version 1.0 of the time frame is not made by an artist.

More will come, and you can follow our journey forward on this page.

Yours P.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

New Member

We got a new member in our group, welcome Anne!

Anne Toftelund

I am a Dane, from the fairytale city Odense. After high school I went to Nottingham to dance for a year, I enjoyed my time in the UK very much: to get up in the morning knowing that I should dance, improvise and make choreography. Back in Denmark I earned money enough to go the Academy of Physical education, Gymnastikhøjskolen I Ollerup, a challenge in many ways. Inspired from a play I saw during my stay in the UK, I started to fence. Moving to Århus to study Scandinavian Language and Literature also gave me the opportunity to fence even more. Luckily to get into the Kaospilots, I stopped at university and have never missed it. The last three years I have been in the board of the fencing club, but my stay in Canada together with the KaosPilots is going to be a break and I’ll try something new, e.g. go skiing…. And please do not laugh too loud if you see someone in big, yellow skipants sliding backwards down the piste… could easily be me.
I’m looking forward to the stay in Canada. I’m sure that it is going to be fun, playful and creative. I'm good at digging into things, reformulate and presenting the results, sure it can be used in this project.


Ellen Lidgren

I am raised and born in Stockholm, Sweden. After I graduated from high school I started to work as a waitress. At the age of twenty I had collected enough money to travel around the world. I backpacked for seven month around South America and South East Asia. When I came back home I got back to my old job, and took a course in photography. A little after that I decided to move to Barcelona and to learn Spanish and a lived there for six month. While there I applied for the Kaospilot education in Denmark and got in. A moved to Århus, Denmark the same year. Now during my mid education I am moving to Vancouver, Canada to work with sustainability and reusable food ware. I am a curious and inquisitive person, who loves to try out new challenges. I am use to group work and I am not afraid of taking the initiative.

Helene Hasen

I was born and raised in Herning, Denmark.
After high school I was working one year as waitress
and bartender. But I wanted to see the world and therefore I started my journey in Austria where I took the Austrian ski instructor education. After this first season I have been working as area manager in Austria, Spain, Tunisia and Greece, for different Danish travel agencies.
After seven seasons I went home to start my studies in Denmark and am currently a student at the Kaospilot School in Århus. A creative business school with focus on project and process design and management.
Half way trough, my class mat
es and I are now heading towards Vancouver, CA to study and work with different projects regarding sustainability the project me and my group are to work on is a reusable food ware project.
I am an energetic, happy and eager person that sees challenges as opportunities instead of borders.

Pouria Ruhi

I was born in Iran, moved to Norway at the age of 9 and raised by my parents.
My life has been great, with lots of things happening, and lots of experiences. During my education I have been fortunate enough to have many different jobs. I have worked at a big communic
ation house in Norway, I've sold guitars and pianos, been a nurse at a home for elderly people and also made subs at the world famous Subway, amongst other things.
After graduating from high school, I've been a student, first getting a bachelor from the university of Trondheim, Norway, in political science and history, and now I'm a happy go jolly student at the Kaospilot in Denmark.
During my student years, I worked a lot with TV, and just before starting the Kaospilot I produced a TV show for ZTV, not the biggest channel in the world, but still very fun thing to do. Now, Canada is the country of residence for the next three months. I hope that I can learn to love hockey, maple syrup, have more knowledge about sustainability, and maybe if I am lucky get hold of a Canadian Mounted Police uniform.